Mass Schedule | Horario De Misas

Sunday Masses | Domingo Misas

8:30 AM | English

10:00 AM | English

11:30 AM | Spanish

Daily Masses | Misas

Monday/Lunes | 7:30AM (English)

Tuesday/Martes | 6:00PM (English)

Wednesday/Miercoles | 8:30AM (English)

Thursday/Jueves | 7:30AM (English) & 7:00PM (Spanish)

Friday/Viernes | 7:30AM (English)

Saturday/Sabado | 4:00PM (English)

Eucharistic Adoration | Adoración Eucarística

Tuesday/Martes | 5:20PM

Thursday/Jueves | 7:00PM

First Friday of the Month/Primer Viernes del Mes:

8:00AM – 12:00PM


Saturday | 2:30PM or by appointment

Sabado | a las 2:30PM o con cita

Explore our Church

St Didacus Parish School

St. Didacus Parish School is a Catholic elementary school engaged with parents, children and community in the ongoing educational development of the student. We empower the student to be spiritually, academically and socially prepared to live today and tomorrow, both morally and effectively. WASC/WCEA Accredited. Stop by for information about registering your children!

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